Big “R” and Smokin Joe’s Hospice non-profit was started in 2005 with the goal of raising funds to purchase a location/house in Clare County for end of life care for the terminally ill. This house is meant to be a home like environment that is peaceful and has a compassionate staff during such an intense, emotional time. Services to family’s needing to use this 24 hour care is at no charge to them. Donations are welcomed but not required. Caregivers are trained volunteers that will help assist with activities of daily living while nursing and medical care will be provided by Hospice medical agency and Physicians. Priority for placement is given to those with the greatest need but any person with a terminal diagnosis, particularly in the last months of life, are eligible for services.

Our Board is made up of 7 members as of 2022 and we are looking to expand to 12. There are around 4 events (fundraisers) a year and we expect to double that with our board expansion. The community has supported us thus far and with continued community outreach and expansion from Clare/Farwell into surrounding towns we ask you to spread the word.

We are currently looking for 5 additional board members. The preference would be to have local community members serve on the board, so one from each of these areas: Beaverton, Gladwin, Coleman, and Evart would be appreciated. We have been in close contact with other providers, “Toni and Trish Guest House” in Auburn, with a similar model and mission. They have been overwhelmed with patients from towns around us. Having each town represented will ensure that our friends and neighbors from these areas have someone the trust and understand their needs. Your referral of a community member to sit on the board would be appreciated, your opinion is one we value. Interested board candidates can contact us via email at

Ways you can help; inquire on becoming a board member, donate, volunteer, spread the word on our mission, send us suggestions.

Kind regards

Big “R” ans Smokin Joe’s Board of Directors